About Us

We specialize in Wealth Management Services and Insurance Consultancy Services for all types of Insurances, such as Pension Plan, Health Insurance, Term Plan, Securing Children Education, Marriage , Financial Planning etc.

We offer customized Wealth Solutions which help people to achieve their long term and medium term financial goals through effective financial planning. Since last 15 years, we have helped more than 5000+ families and individuals in retirement planning, child’s education planning, financial protection against any unforeseen events etc. We offer a wide range of plans of LIC to suits your diverse needs. Our clients include salaried, businessmen, students, professionals, housewives, government employees and retired people.


“A trans-nationally competitive financial conglomerate of significance to societies and Pride of India.”


“Ensure and enhance the quality of life of people through financial security by providing products and services of aspired attributes with competitive returns, and by rendering resources for economic development.”


Caring and Courtesy, Initiative and Innovation Integrity and Transparency, Quality and Returns, Participation and Relationship, Trustworthiness and Reliability

Our Culture

Agility, Adaptability, Collaboration, Commitment, Discipline, Empowerment, Sensitivity, Excellence

Objectives of LIC


corporation song

Come dear, let us share our public service interests together.

Proper accumulation and investment, promotion of welfare of the people, the highest goal of the corporation’s policy is the upliftment of the individual and family.

Public welfare service initiation, public mind inspired continuous security, yoga welfare is the ultimate goal of the corporation, our favorite institution.

Get up, the true servants of the corporation, the agents and managers are calling, the work of public interest and public welfare depends on you.

Come dear, let us share our public service interests together.

निगम गीत

आओ प्यारे साथ हमारे जनसेवा हित साँझ सकारे।

सम्यक संचय और निवेशन जन जन का ही हित संवर्धन निगम नीति का उच्च लक्ष्य है व्यक्ति और परिवारोत्थान।

लोक हितैषी सेवा दीक्षा जन मन प्रेरित सतत सुरक्षा योगक्षेम ही परम ध्येय है निगम हमारा प्रिय संस्थान।

उठो निगम के सच्चे सेवक अभिकर्ता जन और प्रबंधक बुला रहे हैं, कार्य लोकहित तुम पर निर्भर जन कल्याण।

आओ प्यारे साथ हमारे जनसेवा हित साँझ सकारे।

Services Offered:

Basic ServicesPremier Services
Policy SchedulePolicy & Proposal Images
Policy StatusPolicy Claim History
Claim StatusOnline Loan Request
Loan Status
Premium Paid Statement
Revival Quotation
Online Premium Payment
Loan Repayment
Lian Interest Payment
Bonus Status